What is the Alliance for the Prevention of Elder Abuse?
The Alliance for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, Western Australia (APEA:WA) has been established to promote a whole of government policy framework that values and supports the rights of older people.
What can APEA:WA do for you?
If you are a service provider or concerned member of the community and would like to bring a systemic issue about elder abuse to the attention of APEA:WA, please contact Advocare on 08 9479 7566 or Elder Abuse Helpline: 1300 724 679 (Country callers 1800 655 566)
Email: rights@advocare.org.au

26 October 2020
Financial counsellors join the fight against elder abuse thanks to new Advocare training program
Financial counsellors join the fight against elder abuse thanks to new...
15 June 2020
WEAAD 2020
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