What is the Definition of Elder Abuse?
APEA:WA defines elder abuse as any act which causes harm to an older person and occurs within an informal relationship of trust, such as family or friends. This can include:
- Financial or material abuse
- Emotional or psychological abuse
- Physical abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Social Abuse
- Neglect
APEA:WA advocates around broader systemic issues relating to elder abuse and cannot respond to individual cases.
For assistance with individual cases, contact Advocare on 9479 7566 and ask to speak to an Advocate.
APEA:WA brings together:
- Advocare Inc.
- Department of Health
- Disability Services Commission
- Department for Local Government and Communities
- Department of Aboriginal Affairs
- Legal Aid Western Australia
- Office of the Public Advocate
- Office of the Chief Psychiatrist
- Public Trustee
- WA Police
- Western Australian Local Government Association
APEA:WA will co-opt representatives of other organisations to facilitate its work from time to time.
What are the principles that will guide the work of APEA:WA?
APEA:WA recognises diversity within the community and supports the implementation of a range of appropriate policy, program and practice responses to meet the needs of older people. The specific needs of Aboriginal people and people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds who may have been affected by elder abuse are included in these responses.
Every person has a right to live safely and without fear of abuse, neglect, violence or exploitation
- Every person is assumed to be capable of making informed choices and decisions regarding their own lives unless shown otherwise
- Decisions made on behalf of a person with an established decision-making disability will be in the best interests of the person, taking their views into account and with regard to cultural practices
- Victims of elder abuse will be involved in decisions about their care and have a right to comprehensive, accurate, accessible information on which to base decisions
- Responses to elder abuse will be developed in consultation with older people
- Any response to elder abuse should be least restrictive to the person's autonomy
What are the goals of APEA:WA?
- To raise community knowledge and understanding of elder abuse;
- To provide policy advice on elder abuse;
- To expand the breadth and quality of knowledge of elder abuse;
- To support provision of adequate elder abuse prevention and protection services; and
- To promote professional education and training in elder abuse issues.
Frequency of Committee Meetings
APEA:WA meetings are held on the third Wednesday every two months. Venues are rotated between members.